Spenser Archive Finding Aid
Editions -> Faerie Queene, First and Second Parts -> 1609

The faerie qveene, disposed into XII. bookes, fashioning twelue morall vertues., 1609, Capell. G.3[1]

Title: The faerie qveene, disposed into XII. bookes, fashioning twelue morall vertues.
Repository: Cambridge U Trinity College
Shelfmark: Capell. G.3[1]
Published by: H[umphrey]. L[ownes]
Published for: Mathew Lownes
Published Location: London
Published date: 1609
Editionnotes: The second part has separate dated title page; pagination and register are continuous. "Tvvo cantos of mutabilitie", p. 353-end. The last leaf is blank. Variant: books 4-7 in 1612/13 setting (see other record for characteristics).
Record Author: checked by EJS 10/14/09
Record Source: photocopy of catalogue
Provenance Source:
Siglum: CTC_FQU_009
Collation Siglum:

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